Specialized Assisted Living Care Services
Assisted Living Unique & Attentive Caring Difference…
Assisted living is a new way of life that should be fun, exciting and adventuresome. It just means that your loved one needs extra care and help with their routine. This is not the end of the road just a new beginning and for most people that transition runs more smoothly than they ever thought possible.
If you are not quite ready to make that step for placement of your loved one, call us for tips, techniques and additional resources available to you for continued care in the home.
We believe the best place for your loved one is always at home first, but there comes a time when Caregivers must take care themselves, and reach out for assistance for options available to assure a quality of life for you, your family, and your loved one.
Some other considerations are when safety, proper hygiene, nutrition, medication management, and the lack of physical, social and emotional support become a concern; it is time to access community resources to seek the best possible arrangement for your loved one.
We encourage you to research and educate yourself to ensure that you know all your options available before choosing any one plan of care or facility.
We offer an all-inclusive (*) rate of $4950.00 per month accommodating to every Special Care Resident and their individual needs. This is a worry-free experience for families.
Standard & Additional Specialized Care Services
Standard Benefits
Additional Care
- Two to three Staff per 6 Residents, so no one walks alone
- Hands-on daily activity assistance: bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, etc.
- Assistance with oral care
- Dry skin maintenance daily, lotion by Staff daily
- Twenty-four-hour memory care and supervision
- Twenty-four-hour medication management
- Awake Staff at night
- Hourly monitoring for changes in condition
- Creative, recreational, social and physical activities (Twice Daily)
- Three delicious home-cooked meals and three nutritious snacks daily (accommodations for special dietary needs).
- Two home entertainment areas, Special events
and outings - Spacious Living and Dining room, Secure Fenced Yard, Patio & Lawn Seating
- Compassionate and Loving 11 Staff Members working in
8 hour shifts - Staff escort for Emergency room services should the need arise
Strong advocate for medical and care services - Personal body alarms and floor mat alarms for fall-prevention
- Transportation and escort to one medical appointment per calendar month ($70.00 charge for additional medical appts.)
- All personal hygiene needs*: body soap, shampoo, lotion, etc.
* Incontinent supplies extra. - Housekeeping and laundry services daily
External Contract Care Services are Availble
Registered Nurse
Trudy Mazer is a member of our care team. She provides consultation and case management services for our residents on an “as needed” basis.
She has recently been involved with assisting a Resident and their family with obtaining and qualifying for their Long Term Care Insurance Policy.
As a graduate of The Albert Einstein Medical Center School of Nursing, Philadelphia, PA. Trudy has been teaching Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide programs in California since 1978.
She is also an Associate Adjunct Professor for the CNA program at American River College and the Director of Medical, CNA and HHA ROP courses for the Elk Grove Unified School District.
Podiatry Services
For our diabetic Residents we have a licensed Podiatrist that visits regularly and cares for feet. His charge is only $40.00 per visit per Resident. Wheelchair transport services – For Residents that are unable to transfer to and from a vehicle we will use a transport service. The charge for this service is approximately $70.00 to $100.00 for round-trip transportation.
Rather than take Residents out to hospital & community labs and potentially exposing them to sickness, we have a service that charges just $30.00 per visit for lab work which includes delivery of the lab work to the designated lab of your choice.

Every Day Care, Resident Activities and Emergency Assistance
Activites & Fitness
Activities of all types are needed to keep the mind and body as healthy as possible which is why we provide a very diverse selection of options. Some family members have even said things such as mom or dad will not participate in activities, and to their surprise discover mom or dad is actually a budding artist. It is all about the constant routine of scheduled activities.
When activities are provided routinely, it becomes a second nature to Residents participation. And there is a lot of laughter, sharing, and creativity that comes with these encounters.
I have heard other care providers say they have offered different activities but their Residents just are not interested. It comes down to the proper approach for each individual Resident. If you were to say, would you like to do arts and craft project? The answer would usually be a “no thank you”. The Golden Moments Staff are the best at engaging the participation of a Resident.
Bathing & Oral Care
Regular bathing is necessary for optimal skin health and general wellness. We assist with showers twice weekly, and sponge baths daily, as well as monitor all skin and lotion daily.
Bathing is one way we are able to monitor our Residents very closely for changes in conditions and reports to their PCP and the family members immediately. We pride ourselves on catching an infection before it becomes severe.
Oftentimes overlooked are the care of a Resident’s mouth, teeth, and gums. Our Residents are reminded and assisted with brushing their teeth regularly. We encourage them to self-brush, and then we also utilize floss picks, proxy brushes, and the toothbrush where we can see areas that were missed. And with some Residents, we do complete oral care, and they are also provided with a mouthwash to rinse with before and after brushing.
Poor oral care can lead to a plethora of issues, from gum disease, loss of teeth to infected teeth, to malnourishment; and results from pain with eating. When untreated oral issues can sometimes create cognitive changes as well.
We also escort Residents to their dental appointments so we are informed first hand of particular areas that need to be concentrated on. Thy dental hygiene professionals love us because they see minimal plaque and tartar on our Residents teeth.
Bowel & Bladder Monitoring
Another thing we do is provide toileting reminders approximately every 2 hours, and provide assistance in the bathroom also for our Residents. We document all output of urine and bowel movements throughout the day. Sometimes it is through our hands on assistance using the restroom when we have discovered an ailment and a new potential medical condition, or a bout of constipation or diarrhea. By documenting color, frequency, consistency, and volume we are able to contact their primary physician urgently for a remedy or advice. At times Residents are unable to explain they are experiencing pain or discomfort so with this additional service we can catch a medical condition much sooner, and are able to seek immediate medical treatment.
During our hands-on assistance in the bathroom, we remind and encourage Residents to wash their hands which is a necessary step to help reduce contamination throughout the Care Home, or one to another.
Condition Change Monitoring
Because we do so much hands-on care with our Residents we are extremely familiar with anything out of the norm and will monitor blood pressure, pulse, temp, respiration, on a weekly basis. We monitor and document up to 4 times daily when there is a change in heart or blood pressure medications and will contact their primary care physician for immediate advice, and of course, you will be notified also.
Communication Encouragement
Regular communication is necessary both for cognitive wellness and the innate need of socialization. All Residents are in the living areas of the home throughout the day, never left in the bedrooms, and checked on constantly with a Hello, how are you doing? let’s go for a walk? Or, I need your help with a household chore, help with an art project, join me for a game of checkers, tell me about your wife or children, etc. Bedrooms are for sleeping only. It is our goal to keep Residents engaged and active throughout the day, so they sleep comfortably through the night.
All of our Staff speak English as a first language, which we feel is a key for communication with an elderly Resident since with advanced age one’s hearing is not always the best. In addition, if there is a dementia diagnosis, then clear, concise language is imperative to reduce confusion, frustration or isolation which may result from the inability to understand the primary Caregivers and Staff.
Emergency Medical Assistance
Should there be a need for an incidental emergency room visit, we meet the Resident and ambulance at the hospital to escort into the hospital emergency room, so we are there at the moment Staff is doing their intake, to provide accuracy of the events that have occurred with the Resident.
Oftentimes, I have to correct the EMT’s as they have not provided the right information to hospital Staff. We believe it is important for one of us to be there to provide an accurate description of our concerns.
Plus, because we know the best approaches and communication to use with our Residents it alleviates Resident anxiety to have us there for comforting, explanations, and assisting hospital Staff with procedures.
We will also work with you to research and advocate for any necessary procedures that are not initially being offered by the Hospital Staff. We take the health and welfare of our Residents very seriously.
Fall Risk Management
It is our philosophy that all of our elderly are potential fall risks. At any time they may become dizzy, confused, or mobility limited, and may trip or fall. All it takes is one fall and off to the hospital they go, which can often require a nursing home for Rehabilitation.
We take extreme measures for fall prevention since we don’t ever want a Resident to hurt themselves or be subjected to pain and then have to go to an unfamiliar environment, such as a hospital or nursing home.
We utilize personal body alarms throughout the day, so when a Resident is getting up from a chair, an alarm sounds and Staff is trained to drop what they are doing and provide standby assistance and guidance for them while walking.
Additionally, we provide twice daily hands-on assistance with stretching and exercise with all Residents, to keep them strong and able to continue to walk. Residents are taken out twice daily for a walk, weather permitting.
We do not believe in wheelchair bounding a Resident. This is a form of restraint and against free will and unhealthy. Regular movement is important to prevent pneumonia, edema, heart disease, fractures, muscle weakness, constipation, poor circulation and skin breakdowns.
Utilizing a floor mat alarm at night time, prevents many potential falls, plus having Awake Staff at night is vitally important. When a Resident places a foot on the floor, and an alarm will sound immediately at the main unit, alerting Staff to be there for Resident during the night for walking to the bathroom.
However, that being said, should a fall happen, we will escort Resident to the hospital, and be available during physical therapy rehabilitation, and to also advise and provide tips and techniques regarding individual care, and best approaches to use with the acute care Staff.
Often times hospitals order rehabilitation in a nursing home for several weeks following a hospital stay, whether it be due to a fall or other medical condition. While this a standard practice in the medical community we have learned that they are always way better back at home with us, with Home Health physical therapy. Just the familiarity of our Staff to the Resident makes for a more expedient, comforting and stress-free recovery at home with us.
The difference is in the nursing home rehabilitation; they will typically only get them up once per day, and sometimes only 4-5 days per week. Then they are just laying in bed the rest of the time, or sometimes they are put in a wheelchair.
With us, we will be working with a physical therapist who provides parameters for the movements we can do, and it will be done up to 5 times per day and as tolerated. Utilizing positive reinforcement and tender encouragement for ultimate success.
Additionally, they will be in our great room area for close monitoring and of course assisted to the toileting facilities every two hours, and continued participation in the daily activities, games, and crafts.
Medication & Wellness Management
We provide 24-hour medication management and have 6 medication technicians on Staff.
We also provide blood pressure and temperature checks which helps us to evaluate a Residents feeling of wellness. It is important to note that oftentimes the elderly will say they feel fine when they feel less so.
Skincare Management
Another common theme with elderly is skin breakdown. We are an anti-bedsore facility. Hence, the importance of toileting every 2 hours, exercising, and hydration.
Twice weekly, a head to toe skin check is documented. With Staff trained to monitor skin during toileting, and assistance with dressing as well. To avoid dry skin, all Residents have lotion applied to them head to toe. And if they have an issue with dry feet, we apply A & D ointment.
Bedsores usually happen when a Resident had a need for hospitalization or Nursing Home Care; this is another reason we prefer to avoid long-term hospitalization or Nursing Home Care and will make every effort to advocate for bringing a Resident home sooner than normal.
You Are Taking an Important Step
By choosing Golden Moments, you will gain the satisfaction of knowing that your loved one will be surrounded by friendly companionship in a safe and enriching environment, and that you are taking a vitally important step to continue caring for your loved one—that is, you are taking care of yourself.
Golden Moments offers Residents a sense of success and accomplishment through carefully designed activities and the friendship of other Residents, Staff and visiting family members.
At Golden Moments Care Home we pride ourselves in giving our Special Care Residents a quality, active and enriched lifestyle. Our mission is to love and nourish the social, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of each of our Residents and their families.
Resident Base Rate
We offer an all-inclusive rate of $4950.00 per month accommodating to every Special Care Resident and their individual needs.
Our services include personal hands-on assistance with daily life activities, home-cooked meals and nutritious snacks, 24-hour medication management, medical appointment transportation, cognitive and strength exercises, fun and games, special events, and much more.
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Assisted Living Senior Care for Your Loved Ones
Golden Moments Care Home is here to support & enrich the lives of your loved ones. For more information about Assisted Living Service contact us at:
(916) 489-2578| Email: Living@GoldenMomentsCare.com
We look forward to hearing from you!